One of my favorite days of the year is Mother's Day. It is such a sweet day to pamper and cater to your mother's every need. This year was extra special for me. Not only am I abundantly thankful that I can spend one more holiday with the most special woman in my life, but I was feeling the motherly love in a different way. I was able to spend the weekend with my sisters and my mom, who are all such Godly examples of motherhood. Although, I have not given birth, I am a mother-to-be. OH my goodness, that word is intimidating. Someone, in the near future, will call ME "Mama". It makes my heart smile so big I just don't even know how to contain myself. As most people know, pregnancy is full changes, and well, hormones are taking over. I am a mess. I have always been a semi-sensitive person, but seriously I cry at least once a day. Shedding tears while watching Iron Man 3... seriously MB pull it together.
I am 17 weeks, and baby Walsh is slowly making an appearance. It is sometimes hard to watch my body change and gain weight, but remembering the reason I am changing makes the whole experience Wonderful. My baby bump!
So my second trimester has been pleasant! I have the occasional exhaustion and nausea, but other than that, life is grand! I am in the cleaning/organizing stage where I am slowly getting rid of things in my closet that needed to be gone 5 years ago! Making room for my maternity section has been fun. Too bad I can't fit in any of them yet! I don't want to rush my belly growing, but I sure am ready to show it off! :) We have began making plans for the nursery. Paint colors are selected, and we have agreed on a theme! Now we just need to get to work! And by "we" I mean Jonathan. He is, like, the best painter I ever saw ;) love you babe!
We find out the gender in 10 days! I can't quite place an emotion to how I am feeling. I am excited, anxious, concerned and carefree all at the same time. I honestly have a maternal instinct that we are having a boy! I don't really have an explanation why, and all the "wives tales" are giving me reasons to think it's a girl... but either way there is absolutely no way to know until that magical sonogram reveals the truth! Jonathan and I haven't decided about how to reveal the gender. We have agreed to find out with just him and I in the ultrasound room, to have our moment. I love the idea of having a baby gender reveal party, super cute idea! and Wow, you people are getting creative! However, the thought of getting everyone together royally stresses me out. We may do a short and sweet reveal at the house with just family, but that is to be determined...
In my next post, I will be unveiling the big question... Pink or Blue!?!
What's your vote???