Let me start with a brief backstory-- Jonathan took a job in August 2014 with LYSA/CSC (Director of youth development for Cajun Soccer Club) and head coach for Teurlings Catholic HS. Taking this job was a huge leap of faith. Not something either of us EVER thought would happen, but suddenly; we were uprooting our comfortable lives from good ole Ruston, La. Jonathan temporarily lived with family while I was tying up loose ends back in Ruston. Lindsey and Andy Melancon (sister and bro-in-law) were a HUGE blessing throughout this transition. I think I've said Thank-you a thousand times, but seriously that isn't enough. They have been there with us through it all. And I am forever grateful for their hospitality. So, fast-forward to February. We have been living in Lafayette as a family for 3 months. Each day gets a little easier. I have had the incredible opportunity to stay home with Auri. I have been able to physically watch him grow into this hilarious, smart, rebellious little toddler. This little guy brings more happiness, and occasionally frustration, than I ever knew possible. He is amazing and a constant joy to our family. Which leads to my first learned lesson:
Lesson #1--God wanted it all along:
The Lord knew my heart, and my willingness to contribute financially to our family. However, he had other plans. I wasn't able to find a job-with no other explanation, except for God knew I needed time to rest. So, a stay-at-home mommy I became.
The Lord speaks, "Be still. Enjoy this time."
Answered prayer! My time at home has been amazing. Auri loves the extra space in our new house; and I cannot keep him out of our backyard!! We have truly gotten to know each other. And he is my favorite person.
But this bonding time is coming to an end. A position opened up at an excellent daycare- so we took it! Whereas my time home has been invaluable, it's time for Auri to play with other kids and follow a learning curriculum. And Mama gets to go to work!
Most of you know I have been practicing Real Estate for over 2 years. God has lead me to the opportunity to affiliate my license -- and become a full-time Realtor! I am working for Keller Williams Realty Acadiana, and I feel this is exactly where I need to be. My biggest challenge thus far has been building my client database. Mainly because I know 5 people in this city and 2 of them are family. Not really, but you get the idea. God will provide, just like he has everything else. But I also need your help!
Do YOU know of anyone looking to buy a house, sell a house, or invest in Real Estate? Even if you don't live in the Lafayette area, I have trusted Realtor relationships all over. Seriously, give me a call [or text or email] I would love to chat!
Cell: 318.237.0462
Direct: 337.456.9781
Email: marywalsh@kw.com
I am truly excited about this career for a couple reasons. What a great opportunity to build new friendships! I also feel this is an extremely bold connection for me to share God's presence in my life. Not only is Keller Williams an outwardly Christ-first company; The Christians I have met have been so very encouraging and uplifting. So I say again, I am right where I need to be.
Lesson #2--Material things don't matter:
So, the day I moved Jonathan to Lafayette, August 18th to be exact... I lost my wedding ring. You read that right... My gorgeous diamond engagement ring is no where to be found. I have traced my steps a thousand times. Everyone knows moving is stressful, but this just about did me in. Yes, It was a very nice ring that has a substantial monetary value. But It truly wasn't about that for me. It was about somehow in the midst of this hectic life, I managed to lose the very thing that signifies to the world I am married. It was the first "investment" that began the lifelong commitment of Jonathan and I in marriage. To this day, I am absolutely devastated. I have been physically sick over it. Maybe one day I will find it -maybe not. But either way; I learned a hard lesson. Pay attention to the people who matter most to you. It's not about the things--it's the people. I also get the privilege of wearing my grandmothers ring. This ring is very special to me. Not only is it a family ring, but my Mom gave it to me on my wedding day. Seems appropriate, right? I love it. A constant reminder of love- in all aspects of my life.
And In case you're wondering, Jonathan quickly forgave me ;)
Lesson #3--It's OK to be homesick:
The first few weeks in our new city were...weird? This transition was WAY harder than I imagined. I wanted so hard to for this to feel normal, but Real talk: I regretted our move for a while. People relocate ALL the time-- why is it so difficult for me? I lost many hours of sleep pondering the unknown and unanswered questions in my head. And mostly I was terrified. Terrified of everything. The thought of making new friends, beginning a new career, finding a church family- it was daunting to me. I hold it together most days- but some moments, mainly the ones when I realized I couldn't just pick up the phone and call my mom for advice, I would completely lose hope.
The reason I'm ok with being homesick is because I can truly appreciate my upbringing, my hometown, and my family. The ache of not living in my hometown anymore brings happiness in the thoughts of where I have come, and who I am today. Through many meltdowns, tears, and prayer: I learned to get a grip. In my darkest time, the Lord reveals himself. "Trust me. You are here because I placed you here." So, I have learned to fully trust in the Lord and his provision for my life. Fully trusting Him, is kind of a loaded segment. But my faith has grown immensely. My heart is truly happy for my situation. Even though this is no where near how I would have predicted my life to go. Turns out, it's better! I've said it before- God is always at work, but I am learning to take the time to recognize all of His glory- in each and every circumstance.
Lesson #4-- Friends will come.
Friendships are very important to me. My 30 years in Ruston have allowed me to experience relationships in ways that have hugely impacted my life. From childhood friends, to church friends, to college friends, to work friends-- I cherish each relationship. One of my hesitations of moving was the thought of starting over: and finding my people.
God has a way of strategically placing people in our lives to strengthen us, to help us, and to be a friend. When I think of how God has used other people to help me along with this move: 2 people come to mind. (1) Lindsey. From the beginning, my sister-in-law has become one of my best friends. I'm very thankful for her for numerous reasons, but mainly for just being there. She is quite the amazing sister-friend. (2)Tabitha. She's my neighbor, my walking buddy, and my friend. She has welcomed me with open arms from the day we moved in... And she is a far bigger blessing in my life than she may realize.
So, to wrap things up: moving has been a struggle, and a blessing. The actual relocation has been the biggest physical change; but not only did I move to Lafayette but I moved to a place spiritually that I didn't even know existed. My heart is sometimes confused with the many emotions I travel through each day; but I know one thing for sure: God will never leave me, or forsake me. He has placed me right where I am to be a supportive wife to Jonathan, and a loving mother to Auri. As a believer, I trust God to guide me every step of the way. As terrified as I am, He makes me fearless. Everything else will fall into place. I look forward to looking back on "that time I was transplanted to Lafayette" and seeing how our lives have changed for the better.