Friday, August 9, 2013

Taking it easy

Well, I'm almost 30 weeks! Time is seriously going by so fast! It's funny how all the sudden my life is based on weeks, but none the less, every single week is important.  I am learning that I am surely not moving as quickly as I used to.  I am extremely fast walker, almost as if I'm in a hurry everywhere I go.  However, this pregnancy has forced me to take it down a notch.  Whereas it used to take me 16 minutes to run 2 miles, it now takes me 16 minutes to walk 1 mile! But moving at a slower pace has allowed me to appreciate the physical exercise, thanking God for his beautiful blessings one step at a time.

About 4 weeks ago I developed an excruciating back pain.  Seriously, the worst pain I have ever felt, almost paralyzing in a sense that I literally could not take another step without collapsing.  At 25 weeks I had already began "the waddle" so many pregnant women only have in their last couple weeks of pregnancy.  Walking was painful, sleeping was painful. EVERYTHING was painful.  Jonathan was worried something wasn't right, so off I went to the Chiropractor.  I had never experienced this type of service before, and wasn't even real sure of what I thought about the practice.  But at this point I was willing to try anything. After getting approval from my doctor, I began seeing a local chiropractor.  And let me tell you folks, I am a believer in the chiropractic services!! WOW, I am amazed at how different and normal I feel.  It took a few days for the adjustment to settle in.  And don't get me wrong, the sessions were almost more painful than my actual pain, but I survived.  I am back in the game and feeling wonderful!

Last week was the dreaded glucose test.  I went in with no worries, drank my little orange drink (I seriously could have gone for another round, pretty tasty!) and off we went for the Doctor's visit.  The appointment went very smooth, we were able to see our litte Auri again and Wow is he is getting so big! 3 pounds already!  So funny watching him in there, wondering what he's up to.  After our appointment, we registered for labor and delivery at St. Francis.  Whew, just checking things off the list!
Speaking of checking things off the list... We finally bought a crib!  The room is slowly beginning to look like a nursery!  We searched for many weeks to find "the crib" and we just couldn't find exactly what we wanted.  We stumbled across a furniture store in Monroe and made the big purchase! We paid a little more than I anticipated, but it is absolutely perfect!

So the next couple days were a little discouraging.  My doctor's nurse called to tell me I didn't pass my glucose test, and I am possibly at risk for gestational diabetes.  I'm not sure why I was so surprised, but it certainly wasn't expected and it freaked me out a bit.  I went in the next day for the 3-hour extensive glucose testing, which isn't 3 hours at all.  Try 5 hours! Anyway, it was not a fun day.  So this lady loves to eat, even when I'm not pregnant... so, not being able to eat or even have a sip of water for an 18 hour span was very difficult.  My sweet husband waited with me for at least one of the hours in between lab work.  The clinic graciously gave me a room to rest instead of sitting uncomfortably in the waiting room.
Anyway, results came back and no diabetes for me!  But don't you worry, whatever that was, was a wake-up call for me.  I am certainly going to take it easy on the sugar and carbs.  Healthy Mama, healthy baby, right?!  I was so worried that all my selfish eating, mainly the ice cream I consume every night, would be potentially harmful to the baby.
I am feeling Auri move all the time now, and it is such a sweet, breath-taking, happy feeling. One day I'll feel him on my far right side, another day he is all up in my ribs.  Yesterday was a first, in that I could literally feel him on both sides of my belly.  Perhaps we have a dancer with quick feet with his hands up in the air.  I am far-enough in my pregnancy to "count kicks" to make sure his movement is healthy and normal.  So far, so good!
I have begun writing a journal to Auri about my experience and love for him.  I am uncontrollably in love with him already, and I can't imagine knowing how much the love can grow.  Jonathan and I have strongly enjoyed our time together during this pregnancy.  God has blessed us immensely, and I am truly grateful for my growing family.
We have a big weekend ahead of us... Our first baby shower!  We have family from both my side and Jonathan's side coming in town and I am SO excited to see our big, happy families!

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