Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Today is my sweet Auri's birthday.  He is one year old... and what a wonderful, stressful, exhilarating, addicting, awesome year is has been!!  (I am doing my best to hold it together) Our Lil' Punkin at the pumpkin patch! 

What a precious little boy I am honored to call my son. His giggle can turn my day into the greatest one, and his snuggles make me feel so loved. Even when he's fussy, his tender smile can make me melt.  He is my greatest accomplishment.  

"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."  Psalm 127:3 

God trusted me to be his mother.  Wow. Thank you Lord for loving me enough to allow me to experience life with this little spunky, hilarious, always hungry, but always smiling little boy!  I am humbled by this special gift, and pray Auri knows just how much he is loved.

A few of Auri's favorite things:

Sleeping            Bath time! 

We Love to EAT!
(and play peek-a-boo at the same time)

Play at the Park 

Say "GOAL!!"

Maurice Joseph, you are the single best thing in our lives and may you always feel as much love as our hearts hold for you. May the rest of your years be as life-changing as your first one.

When Auri was 10 weeks old, I wrote a prayer and posted it on my blog.  This prayer was  written in pure bliss, and perhaps exhaustion. ha!  And I believe my guardian angel (Mama) gives me gentle reminders of how precious life is, and one look at my lovable son makes life a little easier.  I am re-posting my daily prayer for my son title "God Bless", or you can access the full blog post here... God Bless

:: God bless the tiny feet that will learn to crawl, then walk, then run to do "all things boy."    God bless the tiny feet that will one day kick a soccer ball. This is obviously a lifelong dream of Jonathan's... to have a son that shares the love of soccer with him.  We will love and support him in every aspect of his life, wherever his tiny feet take him. God bless his tiny, perfectly long and narrow feet, that he will stand tall in his beliefs and be confident in who he is.
God bless the tiny hands that rest so perfectly in mine when he's sleeping.  Auri is quite the wiggle worm, so "holding hands" doesn't really happen much. But I am so in love when he is relaxed enough to rest his tiny fingers and cling to mine.  God bless the sweet, wrinkly little hands that will one day be strong enough to climb a tree, or write in a journal, or turn the pages of his bible.
God bless the tiny ears that will hear every ounce of sound that surrounds us. May he listen with respect to adults, may he listen with kindness to his friends, and may he listen with wonder during church.  May he use his tiny, perfectly shaped ears to know and hear the difference between good and bad in this corrupt world. I pray he takes everything in and learns from every experience.  I pray he listens to God's voice for guidance and faithfully hears His purpose for his life.  God bless the tiny ears that will hear his parents in the other room, talking about how proud we are of him. I pray he can laugh at a good joke...and even laugh at a bad joke!
God bless the tiny mouth that will one day be able to speak. I pray he uses his words to be respectful, and funny, and make everyone feel loved with kind words.  God bless the lips that will one day say "mama."  Where I don't want to rush his growing up, because I am so in love with this little-bity human.  But when the day comes from my son to call me "mama," I can almost guarantee I will melt with happiness.  Mama, what a beautiful word.  Mama, a word that is used to describe the very woman that I have known the longest, that loves me more than anyone in this world.  God bless Mamas.
God bless the tiny eyes that will grow to view the world around him. His tiny, beautiful, deep blue eyes have so much to view.  I pray he uses his eyes to see, and his vision to learn.  I pray he doesn't have the "scriber vision."  but seriously.  It's a thing.  And every person in my family has poor vision. Let's also pray he likes carrots.  Because "they say" carrots help a developing child's vision.  On a different note, may Auri find comfort in the beauty of God's nature.  No matter where he is, I hope he will be able to stop in wonder at His beautiful creations.  I pray that anything he lays his precious little eyes on, he can find a positive outlook.
God bless his tiny heart. For he is so innocent and loving and full of hope for a successful future.  I pray he will love God, and love people.
God bless his tiny mind that he will one day make decisions that will be pleasing to him, and to his parents.  In the corrupt world we live in, I know it is only getting more difficult to have the wisdom to do what is right and the respect to be firm in a decision.  I pray he has confidence in everything he does and selflessly interacts with people in his community.
God bless Jonathan.  We created Auri, and he truly is a perfect combination of the two of us.  Wow.  Ponder on that.
God bless our parents, who brought us into this world.  Jonathan and I never knew we were in for the greatest blessing of a lifetime. Our parents who prayed over us, and taught us to be the parents we are today. I feel so special to share this role with the most special people in our lives. 
God bless my son.  He is my everything.  I never knew how I "did life" without him.  He is perfect in my eyes, and what a perfect addition to our family.  I pray he uses every bit of his tiny little self to one day glorify our Lord. It is a cliche' to say, "Someday I will change the world."  But that really is our dream for him, to change the world for the better.  Truth is, he's already changed my world.  He IS my world, and his dad and I will do whatever it takes for him to move mountains.::

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AURI!!! AND Happy "birth"day to me and Jonathan! We made it a year of being parents!  Turns out, it was harder than we anticipated, but way more rewarding that words can express.  whew, now... let's celebrate! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Birthday Blues

Well folks, it's happening.  The birthday blues are upon us, as 30 is staring me in the face. I am turning 30 years old. That's right, the big 3-0. I am really struggling with the fact that tomorrow is my birthday; and for the first time in my entire life, I wish we could just skip over it.  The number 30 doesn't frighten me, instead it's the actual day and everything that comes with it.  Having lost my mom 6 months ago, I am still in an extreme grieving stage.  Some days are obviously better than others, but the truth is, the sadness I feel is still very heavy. My heart hurts.  I miss her in a way that I can't describe.  Especially this time of year.  
October is such a pleasant season.  As the weather is cooling off, fall sports is taking over conversation, soups are quickly filling up our menu, and coffee tastes a little bit better with pumpkin. Actually, everything tastes better with pumpkin! (even poptarts.  get some, you'll thank me later.) And with October comes birthday month! Mama, as most moms probably do, always made me feel extra special on my birthday!  She would plan a big family dinner, make my favorite dessert, always had presents to open, and always made me feel super loved. (Daddy has some big shoes to fill. ha!) And for many years these events were the things I loved about celebrating my birthday, but this year is different.  All I want is her.  Just one more conversation, just one more hug, just one more coffee date, just one more piece of her strawberry cake.  Memories are a gift from God. And I will have the memories of my past birthdays spent with Mama forever.  I will cling to those memories when I'm sad, and cling to my support group comprised of family and close friends that surround me in overwhelming love and kindness.  
Although I have endured, and still enduring, a very difficult year; I am asking God to give me patience, understanding and insight to look for the positive aspects in my life. So, in attempt to overcome sadness and the immense dread I am facing tomorrow, I am choosing to be thankful.  This is a day to be happy! Happy Birthday to me. A day to celebrate the life my mother gave me. A day to appreciate my parents and their wisdom. A day to be thankful for the many blessings God has granted me. A day to meditate on my God-given purpose in life, and reflect on what He is teaching me:  
I get to wake up to my beautiful son. Thankful.  
I get to get to exercise and enjoy the beautiful weather. Thankful. 
I get to feel the love from my husband, all the way from Lafayette. Thankful.  
I get to spend time with family and friends, who make me feel so incredibly special. Thankful. 
I get to indulge in a pumpkin spice latte? Thankful. 
I get to pack up my house; because...SURPRISE: THE WALSH'S ARE MOVING TO LAFAYETTE! Thankful.  

(yes, you heard that right. We are in the midst of a huge transition, but we believe this is where God is leading our family to be. Blog with details coming soon!) 

Oh, and let's not forget... October is also Auri's birthday month!  He is turning ONE on the 29th. See! I told ya, lots going on 'round here!  A whole different level of emotions will be weighing in closer to the end of the month! whew.    

Talk soon!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

This Day

I've written this blog over and over, a thousand times. I can't seem to find the words. But God reveals himself in every situation, and the bible is my inspiration.

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Wow. What a challenge. What encouragement! But how can I rejoice in "this day" that my Mom died?  "This day" is a day I will forever remember.  "This day" is also a day that I look forward to, when I get to see my sweet Mama again, standing beside Jesus.
"This day" has been a long time coming.  Almost everyone knows my moms story, and has witnessed her remarkable will to live, and God's endless mercy in her life.  The woman is amazing.  She has battled through obstacles and yet remained faithful, content, and not once complained about her situation.

The days spent before she passed was uncomfortable for her; but my sisters, dad and I had the great opportunity to have touching conversations that will never be forgotten.  She spoke of seeing her mom and brother again.  She spoke of the songs and scripture she wanted at her funeral.  She spoke of her yellow wings she envisioned as she entered into heaven to see the Lord's face. The day I stood at my mother's bedside, witnessing her last breath, will be a day I never forget.  She longed to leave this earth peacefully, and that's exactly what she did.  Simply peaceful.

The next couple of days were such a whirlwind.  Our families rallied together like we always do.  We spent many hours reminiscing about her, laughing at the good times, crying when we realize she's not right there in the conversation with us.

Visitation for my mom was overwhelming.  Hundreds of people, near and far, came to support my family and I as we say "goodbye" to the greatest person we ever knew.  Let the floodgates open!! I can not say THANK YOU enough to everyone who sent flowers, came to visitation, texted, called, prayed for us, thought about us, and everything in between.  I have never felt so loved.  The support we felt during those days were amazing and heartfelt, and we appreciate every single gesture from every single person.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

When daddy asked me to write her obituary; I was honored, and surprised, and immediately stuck.  How do I put into words just HOW MUCH of an incredible woman she is.  There aren't enough words in this universe to accurately convey my thoughts about her.  The perfect mother she was, the perfect wife she was, the perfect grandmother she was, the perfect friend she was.  Where do I start?! God gave me the strength, (through many tears) to write about the courageous life my mom lived.

So, the morning of Mama's memorial service; we gathered at Daddy's house, dressed in traditional black, wearing the jewelry she had left each of us girls.  We sat in the sanctuary of Cook Baptist Church, where my family has many fond memories.  Mama and Daddy raised us in this church.  This church family carried our family through many hard times when Mama was sick with cancer, and rejoiced with us when she was cancer-free! This church is where I became a Christian, and where I later married to the love of my life.  SO many memories are taken place here, but this memory trumps them all.  The memorial service was absolutely the best tribute to my mom.  From beginning to end, we shared and remembered the beauty, goodness, and courage that my mom exemplified in her daily life. Because on "this day" we celebrated the life of Janice Scriber.  We laid her to rest, because she went to see Jesus! What a glorious day!!! I wish that I could witness her arrival when she first saw Jesus' face. I can only imagine the relief and joy she felt, as she ran to him and fell deep into his arms.

If you haven't had the opportunity to watch Mama's tribute video.  Here it is... get the Kleenex ready!

My mind is all over the place.  My emotions... are also all over the place.  I have this emotion that I like to call HappySad.  It's really the only way I can describe how I feel.  I'm so incredibly happy for my mom.  She is renewed, and perfect, and hanging out with Jesus EVERYDAY!! But I'm sad. I am not able to physically be near my mom.  It's the little things I miss.  Like today, Auri sat in his high chair for the first time!! (oh my gosh, he is growing so fast.  5 months old already! )  The first thing I thought when I saw him sitting up like a big boy was, "Mama is going to be so proud!!"  The hardest part is not being able to share "the firsts" with her. She was there every second for each of my firsts, and for the first 4 months of Auri's life.  The realization that she isn't a phone call away, or even a half mile away, officially has set in.  and I'm sad.
I'm sad for my son, who knew his Grammy, but didn't get to grow up with her. I'm sad for my Daddy.  He loved his wife more than life itself, and the pain he must feel is indescribable. However, he too has hope.  He too, knows that she is now renewed and PERFECT, dancing on the streets of gold.  Oh, how I wish I could witness her flawless beauty.  I will one day. and what a glorious day that will be.  I'm heartbroken that my Mom is no longer available when I need her.  And I NEED her alot. But the good news is, I have an amazing family who will share in the joy of firsts with me. My family isn't whole any more, but these people are my people.  And I love them endlessly.

"Her children rise up, and call her blessed." Proverbs 31:28

Through the many tears, one thousand hugs, and even a spark of laughter... we are making it through "the day."  This HappySad emotion I feel, sometimes overtakes me.  I often get distracted in my daily routine.  Literally, every single thing I do reminds me of her.  Whether its making guacamole, going for a walk, or looking at my son... She has a direct co-relation to every bit of action during my day.  I know it will get easier, and I know the pain will somehow feel less harsh.  But the truth is, I don't know that I want it to.  I don't ever want to forget the little memories that make my day complete.  I don't ever want to not miss my Mama.  I know if she could reach down from Heaven to give me a soft hand-squeeze, or stroke my long hair, she would.  But to be honest, she has way better things to do in Heaven! I don't believe there is sadness is Heaven, so I'm not sure how she can look down on me and not be sad.  BUT I do know, she can relay the hope of Jesus to me and know that there are far more better things to look forward to that aren't in this earthly life.

"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Proverbs 31:29

To everyone who knew my mom, knew she was spectacular! I  have had countless conversations with people who agree that she was a testament to people who knew her, and even people who didn't know her.  Her life was enriched with pure joy.  Though she faced many daily and physical challenges, she was determined to not let anything stand in her way.  Some may wonder "I can't imagine what she went through."  The truth is, we all have challenges we face.  They may not be physical challenges, but they are obstacles in our life that make things not-so-easy.  I often wonder if life would be easier if our burdens were worn for everyone to see.  Would we be held more accountable?  Would we be placed on a different standard?  The bible teaches us to live our life in the exact way God designed for us.  I learned many, many things from the life my mom lived. I am so proud to leave the firm legacy she has created. I love her dearly, miss her tremendously, and know her angelic wings are prancing around Heaven with the most sincere happiness.

With love,

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

God Bless

So I spend alot of time staring at my baby boy.  Wow, I am truly obsessed and so in love with this little human. I try to savor every minute so that one day I can truly remember how tiny he is, how soft his skin is, and how sweet he is.  Auri is 10 weeks today, and (as children do), he is growing so fast!  My prayer for our son is long and detailed, and never-ending; but it's all in the little things.

God bless the tiny feet that will learn to crawl, then walk, then run to do "all things boy."    God bless the tiny feet that will one day kick a soccer ball. This is obviously a lifelong dream of Jonathan's... to have a son that shares the love of soccer with him.  We will love and support him in every aspect of his life, wherever his tiny feet take him. God bless his tiny, perfectly long and narrow feet, that he will stand tall in his beliefs and be confident in who he is.

God bless the tiny hands that rest so perfectly in mine when he's sleeping.  Auri is quite the wiggle worm, so "holding hands" doesn't really happen much. But I am so in love when he is relaxed enough to rest his tiny fingers and cling to mine.  God bless the sweet, wrinkly little hands that will one day be strong enough to climb a tree, or write in a journal, or turn the pages of his bible.

God bless the tiny ears that will hear every ounce of sound that surrounds us. May he listen with respect to adults, may he listen with kindness to his friends, and may he listen with wonder during church.  May he use his tiny, perfectly shaped ears to know and hear the difference between good and bad in this corrupt world. I pray he takes everything in and learns from every experience.  I pray he listens to God's voice for guidance and faithfully hears His purpose for his life.  God bless the tiny ears that will hear his parents in the other room, talking about how proud we are of him. I pray he can laugh at a good joke...and even laugh at a bad joke!

God bless the tiny mouth that will one day be able to speak. I pray he uses his words to be respectful, and funny, and make everyone feel loved with kind words.  God bless the lips that will one day say "mama."  Where I don't want to rush his growing up, because I am so in love with this little-bity human.  But when the day comes from my son to call me "mama," I can almost guarantee I will melt with happiness.  Mama, what a beautiful word.  Mama, a word that is used to describe the very woman that I have known the longest, that loves me more than anyone in this world.  God bless Mamas.

God bless the tiny eyes that will grow to view the world around him. His tiny, beautiful, deep blue eyes have so much to view.  I pray he uses his eyes to see, and his vision to learn.  I pray he doesn't have the "scriber vision."  but seriously.  It's a thing.  And every person in my family has poor vision. Let's also pray he likes carrots.  Because "they say" carrots help a developing child's vision.  On a different note, may Auri find comfort in the beauty of God's nature.  No matter where he is, I hope he will be able to stop in wonder at His beautiful creations.  I pray that anything he lays his precious little eyes on, he can find a positive outlook.

God bless his tiny heart. For he is so innocent and loving and full of hope for a successful future.  I pray he will love God, and love people.

God bless his tiny mind that he will one day make decisions that will be pleasing to him, and to his parents.  In the corrupt world we live in, I know it is only getting more difficult to have the wisdom to do what is right and the respect to be firm in a decision.  I pray he has confidence in everything he does and selflessly interacts with people in his community.

God bless Jonathan.  We created Auri, and he truly is a perfect combination of the two of us.  Wow.  Ponder on that.

God bless our parents, who brought us into this world.  Jonathan and I never knew we were in for the greatest blessing of a lifetime. Our parents who prayed over us, and taught us to be the parents we are today. I feel so special to share this role with the most special people in our lives.

God bless my son.  He is my everything.  I never knew how I "did life" without him.  He is perfect in my eyes, and what a perfect addition to our family.  I pray he uses every bit of his tiny little self to one day glorify our Lord. It is a cliche' to say, "Someday I will change the world."  But that really is our dream for him, to change the world for the better.  Truth is, he's already changed my world.  He IS my world, and his dad and I will do whatever it takes for him to move mountains.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What a Year!

2013 has been quite possibly the best year of my life.  As I reflect on this past year, I am overcome with happiness.  It has been a whirlwind of emotions, both happy and sad; but I wouldn't change a single day.  As I reflect on the past year, I thought I would do a picture blog to give a more literal depiction of each incredible month we experienced in 2013.
My life in pictures :

*My mom began making an incredible recovery from her recent brain injury.  She literally progressed every single day, and I am amazed at God's healing and grace in her life.

*I sold my first house! I began my Real Estate career working for Heritage Realty.  Being a Realtor, while also maintaining my job at Louisiana Tech University, has been a tremendous reward.  I have found a perfect balance between my two jobs and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love both of my work families!!

* I celebrated 5 years of my employment at Louisiana Tech!
*Jonathan graduated from Louisiana Tech!!!

*We found out we were pregnant!!! We didn't shout it from the mountain tops just until about May, but I loved that Jonathan and I (and close family) had our own little secret for a few weeks. 

*Soccer season is in full force.  As the Technical Director for NELSA, Jonathan is super busy organizing, traveling, and coaching soccer!  I love traveling all over the state, while sharing Jonathan's passion along his side.
*We packed up my parents house in Arkansas, and they officially moved back to Ruston! They LOVED their home and relationships they made in Mountain Home, but it was time to migrate south again.  
*We found out we were having a BOY!!  We were in the waiting room, just the two of us after we found out the great news.  We were so excited!!! So let the planning begin...
We celebrated by going to a Ranger's game and purchasing our son's first baseball attire.  One of our favorite things to do is go to the Ranger's stadium, we can't wait to start new memories with our little guy and love for sports.
*We took a "babymoon" to the beach for our last vacation as a family of two!  Our vacation consisted of shopping, eating, tanning, and watching my nephew play baseball at the World Series.  
* We began decorating our nursery and getting ready for the baby's arrival!
Kelly painted this canvas for Auri's nursery. It was a surprise between her and Jonathan, and I LOVE it!!  It's the perfect touch to the nursery, and even more special that Auri's AK (Aunt Kelly) made it.

*We took full advantage of having date nights and doing the fun things we have enjoyed for the past 10 years. I think we went to the movies every weekend!! Haha
Now we will just have one more to come to the party! Walsh party of 3 has a ring to it :)

* Baby Shower time!! We were so very humbled with the opportunity to have baby showers in honor of Auri's arrival.
Our first shower was hosted by family.  Yall, between Jonathan and I, we have the greatest family on the planet.

Our second shower was hosted by my closest friends. We are definitely feeling the love!!!

*Almost Baby Month! So much to do... Starting with football season!

* Celebrated my 29th birthday! and of course we indulged at our favorite restaurant, RAW.
p.s. I love it when my husband wears a tie :)
* 10 year reunion in the cat box! RHS Class of 2003
(at this point...I am super pregnant, and so ready!)                               

*Louisiana Tech Homecoming!! with my favorite pregnant friend! We are both having boys, and can't wait for them to grow up to be best friends! 

*Robin and her family came up the weekend I was due... too bad Auri waited another week to join us!

* Our baby boy is finally here!! We dressed him in Halloween attire (being that he was born 2 days before)  Our little Punkin. My parents still call him "lil punkin", so the nickname sticks! 

* Overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude to God for allowing me to be Auri's mom.  He is perfect in our eyes, and a beautiful reminder of the miracle of life.  I love him more than words. 

*Tara got married!!

*Auri's first Thanksgiving!!

*Jonathan turned 30! I planned a surprise party for him and boy was he surprised!! It was a really great day! On this day, we also took Auri to church for the first time.  He was a perfect Angel in the nursery.  We are looking forward to going to church as a family and growing in His discipleship. 
*Christmas parties galore this year!! It is a bit more challenging with an infant to manage our time between Christmas parties, family time, naptime, feeding time, etc.  As proof of my of my time-management challenges, I have zero pictures from any of the Christmas parties we attended.  Oh well!

*Christmas Eve photo shoot with the family!

*Auri's 1st Christmas was a success! Although he was only 8 weeks old and couldn't really open presents, his parents sure did enjoy opening them in his place.  We hosted 2 Christmas's at our house this year.  It was exhausting but I absolutely loved having our families over to celebrate.

This is Grandma Walsh, on her 91st birthday! Holding her 3 great-grandchildren.  What a remarkable woman! 
*Linnie came to see us and brought the entire toy section from walmart with her!! haha but for real.  Auri is definitely spoiled already!! Auri had his own Christmas tree in his room and his very own ornaments.  A new tradition we have started with our family.

*Christmas Morning was Perfect!!  Auri slept for 8 hours through the night, so Merry Christmas to us, right??!!? We woke up semi-early, exchanged presents, drank coffee and made cinnamon rolls! I love that we are making new traditions with my own little family.  
*Auri is 2 months old! People say time flies but whoa. No kidding.  My little sweet cheeks is growing and healthy and super happy!

This year my personal "new year's resolution" is to be a better person.  The person I am today involves being a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, and most importantly a woman of God. I pray that each day I become more in love with my family and more faithful to my Heavenly Father. 
May you and your family be extra blessed this year!